Monday, September 8, 2014

Ever After High - SDCC Cerise Wolf Review

Hello! It's been a long while. (: I bought Ever After High's SDCC Cerise Wolf. I snagged her for $140 with free two-day shipping off of Amazon. The most I've ever spent on a doll to date, but my goodness is this doll gorgeous! I've pretty much banned myself from buying new dolls for the rest of the year as a form of self-punishment for over-spending on one doll. D':

I also recently bought Monster High's Avea Trotter. She's a great doll and I love centaurs. I seriously can't wait for any future full-centaur doll! I'll do a review on her too if I don't forget.
I love all the details on Cerise Wolf. She definitely looks expensive. She's the first SDCC doll that I've ever bought (and hopefully my last or else I'll be broke. LOL). 

Cerise Wolf's ears!

Below is a video review with more pictures and opinions. Maybe I'll start doing more of these if anyone likes them. <3