Saturday, April 4, 2015

Ever After High - Cerise Hood Basic Re-release Review

While at Wal-Mart I came across Ever After High basic dolls in different boxes. I checked them out and found Cerise and was so excited to see she was the "Made in China" version since the one I already have is the "Made in Indonesia" basic doll. I'm not the type of person that usually buys doubles, but I've been wanting the China-made version of Cerise for a long time since her face is quite different. I bought her for exactly $19.97.

Something was off about these basic dolls though. They were missing accessories! I didn't get a good look at all of them, but the easiest to recognize was Dexter missing his scarf.

New Cerise in box.
The new box is a lot different. It seems like both Monster High and Ever After High boxes are getting smaller.

As I was de-boxing I noticed the plastic at the top of the box was supposed to resemble the pages of a book.

This new Cerise has a very pretty face that's closer to Cerise's original promo pics than my old Cerise doll.

New (left) and old (right) standing side-by-side.

New (left) and old (right)

I like that my new Cerise's bangs stay in place better than my old Cerise's. Unfortunately, my new Cerise's face and bangs are the only things I like about her. She's missing a lot of accessories! It's like a game of "Can you spot the difference?".

New Cerise does not come with a bracelet.

New Cerise does not come with a ring.

This one isn't a big deal, but new Cerise's belt is a little different. The buckles are more in the center than my old Cerise's. It's also a little darker.

New Cerise's boots do not have painted buckles and are a darker shade of brown.

It's pretty obvious what the difference here is between these two baskets, lol.

New Cerise's leggings are lighter.

New Cerise's dress looks and feels more cheaply made.

New Cerise's hood.

Old Cerise's hood.

Old Cerise's hood's chains are a bit shinier than New Cerise's. Again this one isn't a big deal.

New Cerise (left) and Old Cerise (right)
EDIT (12 January 2016): I just noticed that my old Cerise has brighter eyes and are more blue than the new Cerise.

New Cerise.
New Cerise does not have the painted gold shine on her lips. Her eye-make-up is a bit different with a touch of red (which is something I like better over my Old Cerise).

Old Cerise.
Old Cerise sort of looks like Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen to me. Her face appears a little more wolf-like in my opinion.

New Cerise with her bangs out of her face.

New Cerise (left) and Old Cerise (right).
New Cerise's hair is thinly rooted compared to Old Cerise who has much fuller, thicker hair. It's also a bit shorter.

While I'm very happy to finally have found a Cerise with the face I wanted and I'll now be using her for my stop-motions (but in Old Cerise's clothes and accessories), I'm upset that she was $19.97! Why in the world should she be nearly the same price as Old Cerise with all those missing details and accessories?! This re-released doll should have been priced at around $15 like the new Monster High Original Favourites. Sure she also included a stand, brush, and bookmark, but the original did too and was not as cheaply made.

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