Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ever After High - Cedar Wood Basic Re-release Review

**WARNING! I posted pictures of this doll without her clothes. If a naked doll offends you, please do not scroll down!**

Cedar in box!

Back of Cedar's box.

Sooooo gorgeous!
Cedar Wood is the daughter of Pinocchio!
I ordered Cedar Wood's basic doll off of Amazon since she was on sale for ~$14. Based on a couple of unhappy Amazon reviews, I had a feeling I would get sent the re-release of her basic doll. Unlike my reaction to the basic re-release of Cerise Hood, I'm not really upset by receiving this Cedar because I have nothing to compare her to except for google images of her first release. I've never even seen her first release in stores.

She's beautiful anyway and I've been wanting her for a long while. Now that I have her, I'm not sure who I like more, Duchess or Cedar? (:

Cedar is the average EAH doll height. Not tall like Duchess and Cersie, but not short like the Wonderland characters. She comes with a brush and doll stand which I will be using to hold her up in this review.

She has such a sweetness to her face-up and style that I think the rounded "moon-shaped" EAH head mold suits her. Her lipstick isn't positioned quite right though. It's a little more to the left than it should be. It's also missing the shimmer of the original doll.

Jiminy Cricket hairclip!

Lavender streaks in her hair. 
Her hair feels thinly rooted. It's possible the original has thicker hair.

Single braid keeping her hair out of her face.

Wood texture molded onto her skin.

Cedar's dress.

Cedar's outfits seem to always include a harness. Although, the harness on my doll's dress is a little crooked. This re-release is missing her ring and bracelet.

Her socks are supposed to have ribbons hanging off them, but this detail is not included with the re-release.

Cedar's shoes.

My doll's shoes are a solid brown. The original had painted pink straps.

Cedar's entire body has molded wood texture and circles near her knees, elbows, and shoulders representing her puppet joints.

Her purse.
She comes with a purse that does open and close. The plastic the strap is made out of is surprisingly soft and bendy.

Her booklet.

She was a great purchase!
She's missing a detail or five, but how can I complain at $14? LOL. If there are any other differences that I left out I haven't noticed them yet. She's still a great doll as she is though.

I've seen her at Wal-Mart for full price ($20), but I honestly think that's a bit of a rip-off. I recommend getting her on sale if you can. Since she's made cheaper, she should be priced cheaper.


  1. I know, it's a bit late but I just got my "original" Cedar. Another thing the re-release is missing are her ear rings (which may represent logs, I guess). Honestly, the solid brown shoes look better than the ones with the pink straps.

    1. You're right! How could I not notice?! lol. xD Thanks for pointing that out! Those log earrings are cute.
      I agree. If you're into re-dressing your dolls, the solid brown shoes would match more outfits than the ones with pink.
