Sunday, June 8, 2014

Kurhn - Summer Fairy Review

This Kurhn doll is part of four season fairies. She's the summer fairy that I'm going to call "Summer" because I'm so creative and original, lol. :'D I bought her from a site called Aliexpress for about $20. I do plan to buy the other three seasons as well, but I'm having trouble deciding whether or not I want the old versions (like Summer here), or the newly updated 2014 season fairies. There are things I like about both of them.

Out of the four season dolls, I chose Summer
 because I love her hair loopys. (:

Summer's body is just like Princess Dragon's. She has elbow joints, but can't move her wrists. Her legs are held together by elastic and her knees can bend. The strangest part about Summer was that she didn't come with any shoes! I don't know if she was supposed to come that way or if it was a mistake, but I guess it doesn't really matter to me since her dress covers her feet anyway.
I didn't take pictures of her box since it wasn't anything special.

1 comment:

  1. Winter is my favourite season doll. If I get her I'm gonna name her Ella.
